Thursday, August 11, 2011

Good Reminder

A few nights ago I got together with a group of friends that I get to jam with a lot.  They primarily play bluegrass music (with a little folk rock here and there) and drink beer.  So, as you can imagine, we have a lot of fun.

It had been a while since I had gone out to play in a setting like this and it really made me feel good about my skills and how they have progressed.  It is always a huge ego boost when you run through a song or two and are not only adding nice rhythms but also lics in the right play along with nice solo lines.

If you haven't already, find a group of people to jam with.  This should be not a "band" per-say, but more of a group of people who just want to jam.  It's best if there are only about five to ten folks wanting to play and that you have an audience of about the same size.  Just playing in groups like this is a huge boost to not only your ego but also your skills.  You'll figure out real quick what you need to practice on.


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