Thursday, January 2, 2014

Practice Log: Day 1

All together, I only got about 2 hours of practice yesterday.  Usually, on Wednesdays I get an extra hour and a half of work with my praise band.  But, due to incoming weather, we chose to cancel the worship service and rehearsal.  But, I'm not counting it as one less than my goal.  I'm counting it as two more towards my goal.

Finding the time is going to be a challenge.  Three hours of playing when there isn't a gig or a group rehearsal can be daunting.  I'm betting on the key being setting up specific amounts of time to work on different concepts and tunes.  Also, focusing on getting 2 hours daily of practice each day and them gleaning the extra time from gigs and performances will grow me towards my goal rather quickly (seeing as gigs can be as much as three hours long by themselves).

A good breakdown right now might look like this:
  1. Warm up (15 min)
    1. Finger Exercises (5 min)
    2. Scales/Shapes (5 min)
    3. Arpeggios (5 min)
  2. Chord and Harmony Exercises (30 min)
  3. Tunes (60 min)
    1. 10 to 15 minutes per tune
    2. Focus on Harmony, Melody (single note), bass lines, and lyrics
    3. Make sure to put it all together at the end
  4. Warm down (15 min)
    1. Same as warmup at a lower speed.
I'll try to have some tunes and exercise examples in the coming days to illustrate better what I am working on.


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