Friday, August 8, 2014

Albums Are Hard Work

In the last few weeks I've embarked on the long project of producing my first album.  From the get go this has been a hard work affair.  Kind of funny that all I wanted was a debut album and I'm spending tons of time trying to work out tiny details.

Luckily, I know a bunch of folks who have been there before and have given me a little nudge in the right direction.  That coupled with a few online resources (such as and I'm a little amazed that the complicated process is actually started to see some traction as it moves out of the planning phases.

Let me briefly outline the process as I've been working through it:

- This is the figuring out of almost every thematic detail of the album.
- The biggest parts of planning aren't actually in the artistic realm at all.
- You have to come up with a generally specific (oxymoron?) budget to get funding.
- You have to figure out how you are getting that funding (
- You have to figure up a timeline for music prep, recording, art, photos, and pressing.
- You have to figure out debut and release stuff.

Music Prep
- I'm not here officially yet, but I'm already working it.
- Picking tunes you are covering.
- Picking and writing original tunes.
- Arranging all of those tunes and picking your favorites.
- Hiring musicians to fill in the background.

- Home or in studio?
- How long do you need?
- Who is mixing?
- Who is mastering?

- Art
- How many CDs?
- Downloads? If so, how many?
- Licensing.  Even originals need to be copyrighted!
- Getting all the ducks in a row and to the pressing company.

- Who is getting a copy off the bat?
- Party?
- Local release?
- Online release?

Within all of that are little details too like putting youtube vids together to support crowdsourcing (I'm still working on that... It's been a long ass week!), brainstorming, throwing ideas at other people and having them handed back to you with a look of "really?" on their face, etc.

In the end, I'm hoping the first album is at least a small success.  If nothing else, the goal is to get a discography started for myself so that when people ask what I do, I can literally show them.

More to come as crowdsourcing and youtube videos go up.  Keep posted!


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