Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I've been working on a side project book called "Music Theory for the Ukulelist" over the past couple of weeks.  It is amazing how much I find myself knowing and how many little gaps I've got.  It's been a great exercise for myself.

The book is hopefully going to be available for PDF by Christmas.  Before then, I'm using it as the basis for a workshop series I'm doing for a local community ed class.  It will be my second full class I've done for them (the first being beginner ukulele).

I enjoy doing those classes because it really puts me into my place as a musician to learn exactly what I'm talking about.  Students will keep you humble and will make you prove it sometimes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Time Keeps Slipping...

Things have slowed down for me musically. Much much more than I want them to.  Between family and work I'm finding myself trying to carve out a half hour here and there to really dive in.  Some days I have the time, but I've so stressed or worn out that it doesn't much matter.

I'm thankful that I have a routine that I can push through as a minimum goal.  It consists of major scales in five positions on the neck played linearly, in thirds, and five notes up four down.  Add to that an arpeggio exercise that I learned a couple years ago plus working on a triad pairs lesson from Matt Warnock and I can get about fifteen minutes in.  I'll usually fill in another fifteen on a song or two just to get it a solid half hour.

I'm hoping to get some free time in the next couple weeks where I can record a video or two and get that up.  Just something to remind the world I'm still here and I'm still creating.  I did one on vacation and it was great.  I want to chase that a bit.
