Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Time Keeps Slipping...

Things have slowed down for me musically. Much much more than I want them to.  Between family and work I'm finding myself trying to carve out a half hour here and there to really dive in.  Some days I have the time, but I've so stressed or worn out that it doesn't much matter.

I'm thankful that I have a routine that I can push through as a minimum goal.  It consists of major scales in five positions on the neck played linearly, in thirds, and five notes up four down.  Add to that an arpeggio exercise that I learned a couple years ago plus working on a triad pairs lesson from Matt Warnock and I can get about fifteen minutes in.  I'll usually fill in another fifteen on a song or two just to get it a solid half hour.

I'm hoping to get some free time in the next couple weeks where I can record a video or two and get that up.  Just something to remind the world I'm still here and I'm still creating.  I did one on vacation and it was great.  I want to chase that a bit.


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