Friday, August 23, 2013

Clothes to Make the Guitarist

As a part of my recent mission to finally get off my fanny and play the music I love in more places, I've started to invest in clothing to fit the part.  Nothing too fancy, just a handful of short sleeve (for guitarist reasons) dress shirts, one new tie, and a pair of suspenders that have yet to be purchased.  Basically, I'm going for a 1930s-ish look to match the songs that dominate my set list.

Today, after my happy hour set at Headrush Roasters, I came home and put away my clothes (shirt in the hamper, tie on the hook, pants back on the hanger) and stepped back to look at my closet.

The shirts I've been getting are colorful prints that fit the era.  For me, my wife has been the eye of decision at the department store.  I had the idea of what I wanted, but she is far better a judge on what palette fits me.

Hung on their hangers (not the one I wore tonight, remember, it is in the hamper), the shirts make my closet look colorful in a way that old t-shirts and jeans just can't pull off.  It's a cool sight.

What I'm learning is this:  As a musician grows, they take on a style not just in their music, but in their person.  It's a part, a bit, a character.  It is reflected in the way we present ourselves.  In a small way, I'm finally seeing that form for me. 


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