Saturday, July 19, 2014

Being Humbled by My Own Equipment

I know, the picture is flipped...
A very humbling moment today...  I had been having some troubles with my new Loar LH-200 (Cindy).  The "B" string had horrible intonation.  As a result, most chords that had a "D" fingered on that string sounded horrible.  I was making do, but I really was worried that the honeymoon had wore off and that I was going to be trying to get rid of this thing...

Then, I put it up on the bench for a different issue altogether (added a strap button; no big whoop). On the bench in the light, I noticed something looked wrong about the "B" and high "E" strings.  After putting the calipers to it, I figured out I had swapped those two in the last (first) restring... a month ago.

I went a month with this issue and never once thought that I had done something wrong.  Now it all makes sense, but I was really getting unhappy with playing the guitar.  Boy am I embarrassed!

It just goes to show you that no matter how much experience we have, we still make really obvious mistakes and it might take a completely different perspective to understand what went wrong.

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