Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Public Displays of Music

A friend sent me this pic and I'm just a little scared that it looks a little like me (but I don't wear baseball caps in public anymore).  I don't want to be political about guns, so I'm changing the topic quick...

You should play in public more often.  I don't care the venue, but grab your acoustic (or electric if you want) instrument and go to a public space and play.  In fact, don't even busk, just play.

By the way, busking means playing publicly for money. Think of the guy a the local shopping plaza who brought his guitar and opens his case to accept money and tips.  Panhandling is asking for money without any performance (aside from the made up story about your car breaking down and needing to get uptown to go to court). There is a lot of feud between cities and musicians about the difference between busking and panhandling.  I've been on the wrong side of that a time or two.  Personally, I believe all city laws limiting the scope of acoustic busking inhibit my constitutional rights to free speech and freedom to assemble.  But, again, I'm not trying to get too political here.

Why should you play in public?  Because you need the experience of feeling like every eye is on you while you play music.  It can be a rush, but it is usually intimidating.  It is much better to get this out of the way in an informal situation than to be forced into confronting it first time on a paying gig.

Secondly, the world needs more good music. I understand that many of us are not confident in our abilities and that there are probably some "musicians" who wouldn't qualify for the adjective "good".  But still, most musicians are pretty good.  If you can play an hours worth of a set without stopping, then go for it.

Lastly, you just need to be outside more.  Being outside does a lot for your mood and health.  We are just now figuring this out in modern medicine, but we are designed to live outside.  Aside form that, music is great medicine too.

So, go have a public display of music.


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