Monday, May 23, 2016

Slow Progress

Today's Total:  20 hours 9 minutes

I can remember a time about five years ago where getting 3 hours a day in playing and practice time was easy.  A buddy of mine has at one point logged closer to 8 hours a day average.  However, being that I'm a stay at home dad with a kid that just learned to crawl... I'm averaging 45 minutes a day so far.

The trick I'm finding is trying to look in between activities to get more time in.  Even if that is just running a scale up and down and then playing through the changes of a random tune.  Really, content isn't my problem. It's freedom.

I figure to reach the goal in two years (May 6, 2018), I would need to average about an hour and a half each day.  That actually puts me ahead a little.  I think I actually got 1.36 hours as my number.  Either way, I'm half way to my average goal which means I have a lot of catching up to do.

The good news is that I've recently hit a streak of booking gigs.  Adding a 2 hour gig into my mix hear and there makes a huge difference!  Plus, I work a couple days a week at my church and I hadn't gotten to focus on music while there the last couple of weeks.  Starting this week, that will change a lot.

There is a lot to be hopeful for.  I'll be making it eventually!

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